She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Developmental Psychology and is particularly interested in the plight of youth whose path to adulthood may appear unorthodox to most. “ELECTRIC SOUL is a view at teenage life that isn’t necessarily what parents or educators want to believe is true in America today, but it is,” explains author Taylor Saracen, a former middle and high school teacher. ELECTRIC SOUL by Taylor Saracen is available now in select bookstores, Amazon and most e-book retailers worldwide. ELECTRIC SOUL is a journey in self-discovery, as well as an unconventionally heartwarming story of the relationship between a troubled teen and his mother as they confront life’s challenges. Readers meet a teenage Mills: reckless, brazen and unapologetically outspoken, who - for reasons he can’t explain - chooses to hide a key part of his true self from the world. Written by Taylor Saracen, ELECTRIC SOUL is coming-of-age novel that chronicles Helix Studios model Joey Mills before he was famous. 13 Red Media has released the third book in its Rise Up Series.